Mondays, Jan 27-Mar 24 (8 weeks; no class Feb 17) | 3:30-5:30 pm
Instructor: Tyler Morrison
An introduction to the potter's wheel, with a focus on building a personal relationship with hand-made crafts and developing an understanding of form, function, and utility in the media of clay. This class will meet in-person in AVA's Clay Studio, and will be limited to 7 students. $75 Clay Materials fee applied at check-out.
Tyler Morrison is a potter whose work is focused on elements of everyday life. Largely self-taught, his work emphasizes function, sustainability, and self-sufficiency. As an artist he draws inspiration from industry, and the tradition of potters as both designers and laborers. As an educator he emphasizes the role that the pottery studio has historically played in society, how the medium of clay has shaped the way we view and interact with the world, and how students can use that knowledge to grow as artists and as people.