Tuesdays, Jan 7-Feb 11 (5 sessions; no class Jan 21) | 5:30 pm-8:30 pm
Instructor: Michael Hillinger
This class is a fabulous chance to develop some new skills while practicing old ones. You'll learn to make precise and repeatable cuts, create finger joints and rabbets, and gain experience with planing, ripping and beveling. Class will end with some finishing techniques, which have a variety of great applications. This class is perfect for students who have taken other introductory woodworking courses, but will also be accessible to those with no woodworking experience. $90 Materials Fee applied at checkout.
Although Michael Hillinger began the craft at a young age, woodworking came into serious focus for him after he retired from a long career in software development. He upgraded his shop, spent many hours (re)learning woodworking tools and techniques, and began to create furniture for charity auctions, including benches, tables, bookcases and chairs. Beautiful lathe-turned ornaments, bowls, candle holders and more can be found on his Etsy site, WoodWorking For A Cause where proceeds from sales are donated to designated nonprofits. When he's not sharing his considerable talents as a teacher, Michael can be found - where else? - in his woodshop, making sawdust, noise and perhaps things of beauty. You can view Michael's work on Instagram at @quiet_re